Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Back to Normal

Well, I think that things are getting back to normal for me. Not that things I am doing are normal with me being in a different truck doing a different job, but the way I am feeling is back to normal. I guess with this new mission that is a regular schedule day in and day out I a have lost the feeling that I had before. Now I anticipate things and expect them. My sleep is regular and now I’m getting too much because there isn’t any reason to get up. We work everyday but only for a few hours then we are off. It is nice that we are on mission and that no one is bothering us, but it isn’t like it was before. The unpredictability life during our last mission seemed to set me free. I don’t know if I feel that now.

It could also be that I am really tired after starting a this new workout routine!

I just don’t feel as focused as I was before. I’m not as motivated to read or write. My thoughts aren’t as deep. It was a good experience though while it was happening.


Jenni said...

Maybe a little normal is necessary so that we can appreciate the extraordinary.

Michael said...

And there's the fleeting part of life. Too bad it gets faster as we get older too.