Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I am on leave for four days before heading overseas and not seeing my family for another four months.  Julie and the boys (and my parents) came to Savannah to help me relax.  I was so glad to get to see Julie again.  I miss her most of all.  Savannah is a great city.  I have wanted to see it for a long time.  There is a lot written about it in city planning circles and I have wanted to see how special it is for myself.  It hasn't disappointed.  In fact the longer I am here the more I am falling in love with it.  I have one more day to just go downtown and relax and enjoy it with my family.  We'll just find a park and sit and play and have a pic-nick and then walk around enjoying all the shops and old houses.  

So far we have been to the beach, seen Fort Pulaski, toured a tall ship, eaten lots of good seafood, and taken a side trip to Atlanta to send my parents home and to fix my iPod.  It has been a good vacation and although I didn't get to go home and sleep in my own bed, it has been good for me.  

Training's Over

Well it seemed like it would never happen, but our training is finally over and our company has been validated as combat ready. We are set to ship out to Kuwait in just a couple of weeks, the political situation not withstanding, and are just basically sitting around waiting for that to happen. It's nice to have a break from around the clock training. We even started a spades tournament!